
Nervous about having pro photos taken? This post is for you…

You out there… the one who’s nervous about having professional photos taken… We get it!

Maybe your keto diet hasn’t gone exactly go as planned or your recent haircut didn’t turn out like you were hoping, and it’s got you a little freaked out about the whole taking-photos thing. After all, you wanna look super cute in your photos but you aren’t sure what to wear and (worse) you’re worried the photographer will pose you in a way that totally highlights your insert flaw here. (Double chin, anyone?!) Or maaaaybe you’re the person that feels like they look super awkward in every. photo. they’ve. ever. taken. Ringing any bells? We thought so.

We’ve been there. And we’ve got your back.

Everyone you see in our photos said the exact same thing! In our 10 years of photography experience, we’ve developed a natural/relaxed shooting style that ensures you will look comfortable —and cute!— in your photos. Jenn will coach your poses to minimize the flaws you want to hide. She’ll tell silly little jokes and keep the conversation moving to help you relax. By the time she’s finished, you’ll be an old pro… and we promise, you will LOVE your images!




Ready to start your next project with us?
Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!