
whitney & jason’s flushmount album!

Yesterday we shared a few photos of one of our new sample flushmount albums (if you missed that post, see it here). Today we are sharing photos of the second sample album (which happens to be one of my favorite leather combos ever). As I mentioned yesterday, we decided on 1 classic leather combo and 1 bright/fun leather combo.

I’m really excited about this particular album because I’ve been in a “mustard/golden” phase for quite a while now. :-) Jenn was a little nervous about choosing this bright/fun yellow shade, but I think it’s perfect! The main leather on this album is called “Saffron” and the accent leather is “Saturday Night Special”. Whadya think? Are you a classic leather bride or a bright/fun leather bride? Either way, you’ll have tons of options! :-D


Ready to start your next project with us?
Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!