
Six-week Ellie update!

Not to brag, but I get to spend all weekend looking at this adorable face and kissing these adorable cheeks (cheeks that happen to be much bigger than when this photo was taken a few weeks ago). I’ve been snapping iPhone photos of Ellie like crazy, but I’ve been bad about taking Instagram-worthy photos with my fancy-pants camera. I’m gonna do better, I promise! She’s growing way too fast, y’all. She’s grown out of newborn diapers and graduated to size 1, which makes me feel all sad and sappy. 😭

6 weeks into this being-a-mom thing, I finally feel like I’m finding my groove. Every day I have tiny “mom victories.” This morning, we figured out how to get through bath time without any tears (leaving the pacifier in her mouth… seems so obvious now. 🤷) Last week, I learned how to use my @babytula baby carrier and change the bag in the Diaper Genie (because when you have a newborn, you don’t have the brain power to learn these things right away. 😂) This week’s project = figure out a clever way to trim her nails. They’re so teeny tiny… I need the world’s largest magnifying glass or something.

So, peeps… what baby tips do you have to share? What baby products can’t you live without? Any nail-trimming tricks? Extra points if you have ideas for getting a 6-week old to sleep through the night!

PS – If you’d like to keep up with the day-to-life of Jenn and I, our Instagram and Facebook feeds are where it’s at!






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