
A picture says 1000 words…

A picture says a thousand words. And thank goodness because there aren’t enough to express ALL the aspects of my love and respect for you.

You and I were late with the whole “getting married” thing… you were 39 and I was 34 when we tied the knot, two years ago today. Sometimes I wonder why it took so long to find each other… but mostly, I’m just grateful that we did.

They say that you’ll “just know” when you find the right person. When we got married, I was PRETTY SURE about you… but the 100% positivity came the day you held my hand at our first infertility appointment (and the many, many more that followed). It came the day you went back to teaching so you could spend more time with our future family. It comes when you clean the entire kitchen, when you’re totally cool with letting me control the remote, and when you try to hide that you’re crying every time we watch “This is Us”.

Here’s to a spectacular year ahead. The best one ever. The one we’ve waited and prayed so hard for. You are going to be an amazing dad. Not to mention, a super HOT dad. I love you, you hot dad. Happy anniversary. ❤️ -Kaylinn

PS – Stay up to date with our pregnancy adventure by following us on Facebook and Instagram!




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