
Nice to meet you! I’m Jenn

Heeeey!!! It is time for #FridayIntroductions (on a Thursday. Because I’m a rule breaker!) I’m Jenn, the lead photographer here at Bend the Light, wife to a handy and hunky husband, mom to wonderful and creative children, antique junk collector, frequent traveler and I’m the friend who will tell you if there’s something in your teeth. Here are a few things you don’t know about me yet.

1. I have a bit of infatuation with pretty drinking glasses. I love a good glass of wine, but I must have my refreshment in a pretty glass. Something about a nice glass makes me feel pretty. I have waaaay more wine glasses than I need and I just keep buying more.

2. On non-wedding days, my go-to is ripped up jeans, a floral top and sandals. I’m pretty sure that some would say I’m too old for the ripped up jeans, but I plan to keep rockin’ them for as long as possible.

3. In high school, I was the girl that would raise her hand to remind the teacher that she forgot to collect our homework. What? I stayed up doing it and I wanted to turn it in! I’ve relaxed a BIT since then.😉

So tell me about YOU. What is your go-to outfit? What kind of kid were you in high school? What do you drink your alcoholic beverages out of? I have so many questions!! -Jenn

PS – If you’d like to keep up with the day-to-life of Kaylinn and I, our Instagram and Facebook feeds are where it’s at!


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