
Ellie’s Newborn Photos!

It was just about a year ago that I first shared about our two-year battle with infertility. It was the most vulnerable and difficult post I’d ever written (read it here). Sharing Ellie’s NEWBORN photos today, just one year later, is something I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to do. I am a MOM. What?! It still doesn’t feel real.

Ellie is exactly 20 days old today. So much has happened since she was born, but life with a newborn is HECTIC, y’all. I’m just now finding the time to sit and write this post (thanks to my mom, Ellie’s Nana, for watching her this afternoon so that I could get some work done!). So here’s the scoop on what life with a newborn is really like!

— It’s true what they say… The moment they place your baby in your arms, there is a love like you’ve never felt before. It changes you forever.

— Real talk: Life with a newborn has been an adjustment! Sleepless nights and constant diaper changing has become our new routine, but we’re getting the hang of it! I’m a big fan of SLEEP, which doesn’t happen much these days (ooooh how I miss sweet, sweet sleep). Ellie wakes up about every 3 hours. So she eats for an hour, sleeps for two, then she wakes up and we do it all over again.

— Even though she’s awake often, she’s a really good baby. She only cries when she’s hungry or when we’re trying to swaddle her. She loves being IN the swaddle, hates being PUT into the swaddle.

— Jeff is GREAT with her. He’s gone from being the guy who takes NO photos to filling up his iPhone gallery with Ellie photos, all day, every day. Side note: There’s nothing sexier than seeing your man cradling your little baby girl. ❤

— Ellie looks just. like. Jeff. She’s got the scowl thing that she does with her face that matches his “mad” face perfectly. It’s 100% adorable, but I’ve been secretly hoping that some more of my features show themselves as she changes and grows. 😊

— She’s wearing several cute outfits in this newborn session, but the truth is… she wears the same 3 shirts all the time. Ha! I bought a ton of cute newborn clothes for her to wear, but she’s still in the “scratch my face” phase, so she is stuck wearing the shirts that have caps on the end of the sleeves (the mittens fall off her little hands, so long-sleeved shirts with sleeve-caps it is!) I’m hoping she’ll get to wear some of her cute clothes before she grows out of them… but so far, no luck.

Thank you guys for coming along on this journey with us! The party is just getting started!! -Kaylinn

PS – Read more about our infertility journey here. Get real-time baby updates by following us on Facebook and Instagram!





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