
I’ll start with a confession…

Confession: I resisted the urge to Photoshop myself skinnier in this photo. Realness > Perfection. I’m learning to be kinder to myself in 2018. It’s going pretty well so far. 😊

I was super excited when I found this cami because it matches my coral cardigan perfectly. It’s my favorite cardigan because it’s long enough to cover my curvy booty but short enough that I don’t look too “mom-ish.”

Speaking of being a mom, I just became one! After seeing a fertility specialist for several months, my husband (Jeff) and I finally got pregnant last August. It was a rough journey (read about it here), but a lot of good came out of it. Besides the fact that we have a DAUGHTER (ahh!), we are also closer than ever — we laugh a lot. I make fun of the fact that he says “ALvocados” instead of “Avocados.” He laughs at me when my new-mom hormones take over and I start crying at random times. Like when my favorite contestants on “America’s Got Talent” make it through to the next round (their dreams are coming true, y’all!) 😂

My favorite Spotify playlist is packed full of pop music from the 90’s and 2000’s, and I must be getting older because I’m starting to say “They don’t make music like they used to.”

But enough about me, tell me about you. What’s your favorite piece of clothing and why? Am I the only one that can’t resist Photoshopping their double chin? Do you agree that music isn’t what it used to be, or am I a total old person now? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! -Kaylinn

PS – If you’d like to keep up with the day-to-life of Jenn and I, our Instagram and Facebook feeds are where it’s at!


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